Feather Children

Each Feather Children Headpiece is unique and individually handcrafted. Inspired by nature and the need to escape reality for a while and run wild and free.

Feather Children designs are stocked in Pigeonhole Store in Perth City. For custom orders email featherchildren@gmail.com

You can now buy online at featherchildrenlove.etsy.com

Peace and love,
Feather children

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Because I am super good and awesome at computer stuff I failed to realise that the prices are all in USD and the Australian dollar is not what it was a few weeks ago so the pricing is way off what I intended it to be so i have adjusted the prices to be more in sync with the Australian dollar because i couldn't find a button that says change to Aussie dollar!! Oh why does the magical inter web have to be so damn confusing.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, etsy sucks like that. This sudden drop in the Aussie dollar has certainly slowed down my online shopping!
